How Can I Setup Password Protection With .Htaccess And .Htpasswd

My WordPress site was under brute force attack, How can I setup a pop-up login interface with .htaccess and .htpasswd

Option 1

If your site host on cPanel, please following the follow steps

  • Log into your cPanel and click on the Password Protect Directories icon found under Security.
  • Choose Web Root (you may also need to select Show Hidden Files)
  • Click on the name of the directory that you wish to password protect.
  • Check the box for Password protect this directory.
  • Fill in Name the protected directory field. This will be the message shown to visitors when they try to login and can be anything you like.
  • Click on the Save button below.
  • Click Go Back.
  • Fill in a Username and Password at the bottom of the page, and click Add/modify authorized user.
Option 2
  • Create a file named .htpasswd and place it above your root directory, so visitors can’t access it.
  • Create an encrypted password using either a utility such as the command line program htpasswd or Online Htpasswd Generator
  • Place the generated .htpasswd information into the .htpasswd file.
  • Navigate to the directory where the file(s) that you would like to password protect lie.
  • Create/Modify a .htaccess and insert the following example code
    <FilesMatch "examplefile.extension">
    AuthName "Member Only"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /path_of_htpasswd/.htpasswd
    require valid-user
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