How To Create An Magento 2 Admin Account

How can I create an Admin account for my Magento 2 store? what methods can I use?

To create an Magento 2 Admin account, we have 2 methods.

  • Executing command to create Magento 2 admin account

    1. Connecting the server via SSH terminal
    2. Go to Magento 2 root folder
    3. Run the following command
      php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user='demo' --admin-password='demo$' --admin-email='' --admin-firstname='demo' --admin-lastname='demo'
  • Creating an Admin account from Magento 2 backend

    1. Login the backend
    2. Click System -> All Users from backend menu

    3. Click Add New User button

    4. Filling all info for “user info”

    5. Assigning the Administrators role

    6. Click “Save User” button to save the account
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